Debatably the true art of the copywriter: take a complex communication challenge and simplify it. It takes skill and a little work. As Mark Twain once commented: “I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.” 

Event Hive

A leading global events agency needed a brand identity and creative theme for a new meeting app they had developed. This needed a thought that captured the fast paced nature of the exhibition world. The ‘Meetings that create a Buzz’ theme and ‘stinger’ logo were used across all marketing material and for the UI, to ensure easy navigation.


M-real, one of the world’s biggest paper manufacturers, were looking for a corporate and product focused campaign that would change public perception of them as a paper producer to establish them as a total solutions provider. Our presentation used short, bold, emotive headlines backed up with a benefit led subtitle and compelling photography not usually associated with this industry. It won the £4 million account across Europe. And, a few months later, worldwide too. Art director: Trevor Pettit

Big Brother house

What happens to the Big Brother house after the final housemate is evicted? It becomes one of the UK’s most sought after corporate event venues. This online teaser campaign extolled the numerous ‘unique’ attributes of the famous house and linked to a digital landing page for instant bookings.


The Powertone craze is sweeping the country. And it really works. To promote trial workouts at a new chain of Powertone Studios across London all it took was an “Out of the Office” desk card with a great claim … and just a little cheek.